Friday, April 4, 2008


Ok my first attempt at a blog of my own. I have no idea on where to start. I guess I would like to thank my friend for getting me involved in reading blogs and then letting me write on the group blog. Thanks Ry. I also want to give a shout out to Jared, a good friend of mine for convincing me to start a blog. My thoughts are rambled and confused sometimes. Blah. But I will do my best to stay steady on current events and everything. I really dont know what to say today/ Normally i tend to try and place thoughts and everything in a diagram so I can gather what I wanna say for the day. Now I will say I am going out of town this weekend and wont be back till the 12th sometime so I wont be on here much. But maybe I will have internet access when i am on vacation. Does anyone have weekend plans?

1 comment:

Carl said...

I see you live in Savannah. I love that city. My host when I have been there is the owner of Parker's the c-store chain.

I have stayed at the Mansion once and I hope to again. That is a great hotel.