Sunday, April 20, 2008

One of those Days

Has anyone ever just have one of those days that no matter what you do, just seems that it never ends or everything just goes wrong? Yesterday was a day like that for me. Had to go to work in the A.M and I couldn't hardly wake up and when i did i was moving in slow motion. I got to work on time, just to find out there wasn't going to be a volunteer there and I had to wait till noon for the office personnel. So I am a security Officer with a company. So I had to do my Security work as well as being a Tour director and Information officer all while I was trying to keep things safe for everyone visiting the cemetery I am guarding. Well I tell everyone to lock their car doors and take their belongings with them. Well these people didn't do anything i asked them to do and had their belongings stolen from their car. Yes how could someone be so mean to go into a cemetery and steal things or break monuments and vandalize peoples graves. Its just sad. Anyway so I had to call my other officer to get him there, so i messed his day up. Had to call the police so a police report was made. then I had to do my own incident report. So needless to say my day was very hectic and didn't seem to go as planned. I never got too much of a chance to relax while i was at work. I just hope my Monday will be better than my Saturday.

Now flip to Sunday. Slept in, felt nice for a change and went shopping. I picked a roomy up from work and actually went to Walmart and bought me a Creative Zen Movie/mp3 player. I've been wanting one for a while now and I finally bought one. Today was just the opposite of yesterday and I couldn't have been happier because of it..

Anyway I don't have much to say. But for now I will have pictures of my recent vacation up sometime soon.. Within the next 2 or 3 days if my job doesn't wear me out in the mean time..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I have Returned

I have returned.. I returned back to Savannah about 1pm today and let me tell you I had a blast while i was on my vacation. I got a little on the sunburnt side and everything but hey it wouldnt have been a vacation without getting a little red. I didnt meet any hotties while I was there, but I was with family and wasnt really able to look. My little cousin *we'll refer to him as W* W was hanging on me like a leach and well he started crying as my grandma and grandpa started to drive off. I felt so bad for him, he has a brother and he looks up to him, but he looks up to me for reassurance on different things. I still think he will be Gay eventually later in life but who knows. Kids are just more open about things then I was at that age. Umm I dont have anything to really say, but I do hope that my friend Ryan starts to feel better..
Cya later, I go back to work on Monday. Joy I love being a security Officer..

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sitting in Starbucks

Here I am sitting in a starbucks in Myrtle Beach south carolina. Not much else to say but i will get back to blogging when i can talk to you all later

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Havent Left Yet

Hey peeps and readers, I havent left yet to go with my grandparents to myrtle beach yet. I am still waiting for them to get checked in at the hotel and for my grandpa to drive the 4+ hours down to Savannah to get me so I can turn around and drive back to myrtle beach.. Yea alot of fun for someone who has been up since 630am. Bleh. Anyway I will be leaving some point within the next 5 hours. Anyway I will have pics up of the vacation and everything and what not.. Anyway I will get back with you when I can..

Friday, April 4, 2008


Ok my first attempt at a blog of my own. I have no idea on where to start. I guess I would like to thank my friend for getting me involved in reading blogs and then letting me write on the group blog. Thanks Ry. I also want to give a shout out to Jared, a good friend of mine for convincing me to start a blog. My thoughts are rambled and confused sometimes. Blah. But I will do my best to stay steady on current events and everything. I really dont know what to say today/ Normally i tend to try and place thoughts and everything in a diagram so I can gather what I wanna say for the day. Now I will say I am going out of town this weekend and wont be back till the 12th sometime so I wont be on here much. But maybe I will have internet access when i am on vacation. Does anyone have weekend plans?