Saturday, April 12, 2008

I have Returned

I have returned.. I returned back to Savannah about 1pm today and let me tell you I had a blast while i was on my vacation. I got a little on the sunburnt side and everything but hey it wouldnt have been a vacation without getting a little red. I didnt meet any hotties while I was there, but I was with family and wasnt really able to look. My little cousin *we'll refer to him as W* W was hanging on me like a leach and well he started crying as my grandma and grandpa started to drive off. I felt so bad for him, he has a brother and he looks up to him, but he looks up to me for reassurance on different things. I still think he will be Gay eventually later in life but who knows. Kids are just more open about things then I was at that age. Umm I dont have anything to really say, but I do hope that my friend Ryan starts to feel better..
Cya later, I go back to work on Monday. Joy I love being a security Officer..

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